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Born to sparkle, not be a statistic

Our aim is to bring the community together to create monumental change, ensuring the safety, respect & wellbeing of women & girls, through our Ruby Slipper Club.

Our Why

It’s You. It’s Me. It’s We.

It is time we come together to create and fund the solutions. The issues may be complex, but the solutions are simple. With ‘Mean Girl’ behaviours starting in preschool, 12-year-olds self-harming, our teen girls already in toxic and abusive relationships and experiencing sexual harassment and abuse. Anxiety, and loneliness the new epidemic in our twenty-year-olds, family and domestic violence in ALL of its forms, a national crisis. And the shameful fact that women are ageing into poverty and homelessness. Our aim is to address all the issues facing women and girls.

Our Programs

Let's ensure there truly is no place like home! The Ruby Slipper Club funds all the activities of Women Of Oz. It is everyday people, like YOU and ME, driving monumental change ensuring the safety, respect and wellbeing of all girls 
and women.

Thumbnail for Wheels 2 Freedom

Wheels 2 Freedom

Providing cars along with other support programs to create long term financial and emotional wellbeing for women who have experienced significant trauma. Particularly women fleeing family and domestic violence and older single women.

Thumbnail for The Emerald Lady

The Emerald Lady

The ‘Jewel In Our Crown’ is to create a unique, purpose-built, beautiful, inviting, inspiring and safe space for women in need to come to. Providing immediate safety and support for women no matter the emergency. Our haven of hope.

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Protect Her

Over 50,000 women across Australia who’ve experience family and domestic violence are turned away from legal support every year. ProtectHer is our legal fund to ensure women are represented, know their rights and have someone looking out for their best interests. 

Let's ensure there truly is no place like home

Join the Ruby Slipper Club today!

By joining the Ruby Slipper Club you will be helping our mission to build The Emerald Lady and our Housing Spaces, as well as securing a healthy legal fund and further developing the Wheels 2 Freedom Program.

Learn more


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Wheels 2 Freedom Fundraiser

Get ready for the Wheels 2 Freedom Fundraiser on Sunday 4th of May at the Linfox Car Museum.

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Men’s Lunchless Lunch

Join Dr. Mel Irons on the 26th of February, 2026 to explore how men can create real change…

Getting Involved

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You can't change the world unless you're having fun doing it! That is our motto. We are volunteers ourselves and ensuring that everyone involved in any part of Women Of Oz feels joy and is action oriented knowing a brighter future is achievable is our priority.

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Business Angel Network

If every business can do what they can we can ensure all women and girls in need can get the support and services they need. Can you help once a month, once a year or even once a quarter?

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Host a Fundraiser

Bring hope and safety to women and girls by hosting a Women of Oz fundraiser. Every action, no matter how small, makes a difference in shaping a brighter future where all women are respected, supported, and able to thrive.

Here to support you

Questions & Answers

Need some guidance? Here are some of our most commonly asked questions.

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